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HvA Robot Studio Team: Jakob de Konink | Cameron Roeten | David 't Lam

The workshop focus on a general design of the structure towards a beam section that can be robotically produced. In order to produce this beam section we will work on a digital data base of the wood we have available at the Robot Studio Lab and that could be stacked based on a packing strategy in order to robotically mill the necessary material. Finally we will approach the production aspect by working on a digital simulation of the milling.

Material Scale

This scale focuses on exploring the wood residual stream and the digital possibilities of "packing" and using this stream in order to give a new structural and performative use. This scale also explores the idea of material digitalisation.

Hva Slide22.jpeg

Hva Slide23.jpeg

Ideas for packing viewed from below

Hva Slide24.jpeg

Idea for packing visualised in real life

Hva Slide25.jpeg

Ideas for packing, with multiple options in grain direction. The third option is the one we will be using for our design

Hva Slide26.jpeg

Packing idea visualised in Rhino

Hva Slide27.jpeg

This is how the robot will mill the beam

Structure Analysis

Short text here talking about structure analysis and the parameters that where used.



brief description of the image


brief description of the image